Since 1936

Medicinal Side Effects Reporting Form (by all) East India Pharma P-Vig ICSR Form 2550 F1 (version 1.2)

(based on ADR Reporting Form, Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India, CDSCO, CIOMS & ICH E2B Formats)

B. SUSPECTED MEDICINE: (Tick >1 box wherever applicable. Write NA if not applicable, NK if not known, CONT if continuing.)
C. SIDE EFFECT / ADVERSE EXPERIENCE: (Tick >1 box wherever applicable. Write NA if not applicable, NK if not known, CONT if continuing.)
D. ANY OTHER SIMULTANEOUS MEDICATION(s): (Including herbal & self-medications, except those used to treat side-effects)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
1. Indication
2. Brand, Route & Form,
3. Composition
4. Dose Amount/Frequency
(write CONT if continuing)
7. Expiry Date

If filled up (on behalf of reporter) by company representative / anybody else:


REPORT ADRs (adverse drug reactions / side effects of medicines) – Just a Few Min could Save Many :

WHY : ADRs are the 4th-6th major cause of deaths worldwide. Filling out this form could help us ensure safer medicines, as the data generated will help in continual risk-benefit analysis of medicinal drugs.

WHO : Anybody can report : • Laymen / General Public : Patients (consumer), their friends / relatives, etc.

Specially • Health care professionals : Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Paramedics, Pharmacists, etc. whose participation is vital.

WHEN : Even if you • don’t have all details • are not certain that reactions have been caused by that product only

WHAT : Any adverse experience : • Adverse Drug Reactions • Adverse Events • Product Problems

WHERE & HOW : Please report as completely as possible, in the specific FORMAT provided , either online or offline by downloading it first, filling-up & then submitting hard / soft / scanned copies TO :

  • by e-mail
  • any of our company’s Medical Representatives
  • Pharmacovigilance Officer-in-Charge, East India Pharmaceutical Works Ltd., 119 Biren Roy Road (West), Kolkata 700061, India.

Disclaimer : Patient’s identity will be kept Strictly Confidential & protected to the fullest extent, at all times & circumstances. Reporter’s identity too is not for public disclosure. Reporting is purely voluntary & aimed at patient safety only. Merely its compilation / submission DOES NOT amount to an admission of causality / contribution by the physician, manufacturer or product, towards the reported untoward incident or adverse outcome. Neither does it have any legal binding / implications.

Strictly Confidential
Pharmacovigilance Individual Case Safety Report (version date 16-Sept-2020)